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How To Clean Invisalign® Aligners

Posted in Invisalign®

7 minute read

Female holding Invisalign® in her hand

Invisalign® offers a comfortable and discreet alternative to braces. These invisible aligners help straighten teeth without the bulky brackets and wires associated with braces. However, like any dental appliance, they require proper care to maintain their effectiveness and cleanliness. This guide will walk you through the best ways to clean your Invisalign® trays and explain why this is essential during and after your Invisalign® journey.

Why Is Keeping My Invisalign® Aligners Clean So Important?

Cleaning your Invisalign® trays is just as important as brushing and flossing your teeth. Because they are typically worn 20–22 hours a day, these aligners are exposed to bacteria and food particles that can lead to tartar, bad breath, and cavities. Here are five reasons why maintaining clean aligners is vital:

  1. Preventing Bacterial Growth: Since Invisalign® aligners are worn most of the day, they are exposed to the same environment as your teeth. Without proper cleaning, bacteria and plaque can accumulate on the aligners, which increases the risk of cavities, gum disease, and bad breath. Wearing dirty aligners is essentially reintroducing harmful bacteria into your mouth, which can lead to oral health issues.
  2. Maintaining Fresh Breath: Invisalign® aligners can trap food particles and bacteria, causing bad breath if not cleaned regularly. Keeping your aligners clean helps prevent foul odors and keeps your breath fresh.
  3. Ensuring the Aligners Stay Clear: Invisalign® is known for its clear, nearly invisible appearance. However, if the trays are not cleaned properly, they can become cloudy or stained. Cleaning your aligners daily ensures they remain as clear and invisible as possible.
  4. Avoiding Stains: Foods and drinks like red wine, coffee, tea, and some juices can stain your Invisalign® aligners. Regular cleaning prevents these stains from setting into the aligners.
  5. Ensuring Treatment Success: Poor oral hygiene and aligner care can result in decay or gum disease and may disrupt your Invisalign® treatment. By keeping both your teeth and aligners clean, you can avoid delays in your treatment plan.

Now that we’ve established why it’s important to maintain your Invisalign® aligners, let’s look at the best methods for cleaning them effectively.

How to Clean Your Invisalign® Trays

Cleaning your Invisalign® aligners doesn’t have to be a complicated process. It only takes a few extra steps in your daily routine to ensure they stay fresh and free of bacteria. Below are several effective cleaning methods:

Rinse Your Aligners Regularly

Rinsing your aligners every time you remove them is one of the simplest ways to prevent bacterial buildup. Hold them under lukewarm water (hot water can warp the aligners) and gently rinse away saliva, bacteria, and food particles. This quick step prevents the accumulation of harmful substances.

Brush Your Aligners

In addition to rinsing, you should also brush your Invisalign® aligners with a soft-bristled toothbrush. Do this at least once a day, preferably every morning and evening, before placing them back in your mouth. However, don’t use regular toothpaste, as it can be too abrasive and may scratch the aligners. Use clear, unscented liquid soap or a specialized Invisalign® cleaning solution for best results.

Soak Your Aligners in a Cleaning Solution

Soaking your aligners daily in a special cleaning solution designed for Invisalign®, such as Invisalign® cleaning crystals or retainer cleaners, can help break down plaque and keep the trays free of bacteria. You can also use a mild denture cleaner or a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and water as a DIY alternative.

To use a cleaning solution:

  • Fill a small container with lukewarm water.
  • Drop in the cleaning solution tablet or Invisalign® crystals.
  • Let the aligners soak for 15–20 minutes.
  • Rinse thoroughly before reinserting.

Avoid Hot Water

As mentioned, never expose your Invisalign® aligners to hot water. Invisalign® trays are made from a thermoplastic material, which can warp when exposed to heat. Warping can cause them to fit improperly, which may interfere with your treatment. Always clean your aligners with lukewarm or cool water.

Keep Aligners in a Case When Eating

When you’re not wearing your aligners, always store them in their protective case. Leaving them exposed can increase the likelihood of contamination from bacteria, dirt, or even pets. Storing them in a case also helps prevent accidental loss or damage.

Brush and Floss Your Teeth Before Reinserting Aligners

Cleaning your Invisalign® trays won’t do much good if you reinsert them into a mouth full of food particles and bacteria. After eating, brush and floss your teeth before putting the trays back in. This prevents food debris from becoming trapped under the aligners, which can lead to bad breath and decay.

What Not to Do When Cleaning Invisalign® Aligners

Keeping your clear aligners clean is essential, but there are some common mistakes to avoid. These cleaning errors could damage your Invisalign® aligners or reduce their effectiveness:

Don’t Use Toothpaste

Most toothpaste formulas are too abrasive for Invisalign® trays and can cause scratching. Scratches can make your aligners more visible and also harbor bacteria, making them harder to clean.

Avoid Harsh Chemicals

It might be tempting to use strong cleaning agents like bleach or household disinfectants, but these chemicals can damage your aligners. They can also leave behind harmful residues that may be unsafe to ingest.

Avoid Food and Hot Drinks

Invisalign® trays are not designed to handle food or hot drinks. Eating while wearing your aligners can cause food particles and sugar to become trapped, leading to plaque buildup, staining, and an increased risk of cavities. Hot liquids can cause them to warp, and even highly-pigmented beverages can stain the aligners. If you can’t remove the aligners, consider using a straw when drinking red wine, tea, or dark juices. While using a straw can’t prevent staining, it can reduce the contact these beverages have with your aligners.

What Happens if Invisalign® Aligners Aren’t Cleaned Properly?

Neglecting to clean your Invisalign® trays can lead to several oral health issues. The following are some common problems that arise from improper aligner care:

  • Increased Risk of Cavities: Improperly cleaned aligners can press food particles and bacteria against your teeth, creating the perfect environment for decay to develop.
  • Gum Disease: Dirty aligners can contribute to gum disease. Bacteria and plaque buildup around your gum line can lead to inflammation, bleeding, and, eventually, more serious periodontal problems. Keeping both your teeth and aligners clean can help prevent this from happening.
  • Bad Breath: Bad breath, or halitosis, is one of the first signs that your aligners are not being cleaned correctly. Trapped food particles and bacteria can create an unpleasant odor. Cleaning your aligners regularly can prevent bad breath and keep your mouth feeling fresh.
  • Staining of Teeth and Aligners: Unclean aligners can lead to staining. Drinking beverages like coffee or red wine while wearing your aligners can cause unsightly stains, which may require professional whitening treatments to fix. Clean your aligners thoroughly to prevent these stains from forming.

Cosmetic Dentistry and Invisalign® in Beverly Hills, CA

Dr. Kevin Sands, also known as “the dentist to the stars,” offers Invisalign® in Beverly Hills, CA.

Dr. Sands also provides professional-strength teeth whitening gel that can be used at home with your last set of aligners for the straight and bright smile you deserve. Schedule your Beverly Hills Invisalign® consultation by calling 310.273.0111 today or using our online contact form.