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Category: Orthodontics

The Origin of Braces

The desire for straight teeth is nothing new. Although cosmetic and plastic surgery is relatively modern, “braces” date back as far as the ancient man. When did people begin putting “braces” on their teeth? Years ago, archaeologists discovered ancient mummies with metal bands wrapped around their teeth, indicating primal dentistry. This finding was reinforced when […]

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Orthodontic Treatment for Kids

How a person’s teeth turn out in adulthood is greatly based on the care they received during the developmental years. This is why it is extremely important for parents to take their children to a qualified dentist and/or orthodontist at the necessary time. Usually, children should see a dentist by their first birthday in order […]

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Straightening Crooked Teeth

It’s safe to say that no one has a naturally perfect smile, which is why so many individuals visit my Beverly Hills practice. One of the most common complaints is that their teeth are misaligned, which can often cause other dental problems, such as gum disease. However, because traditional orthodontics are often undesirable for adults, […]

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Why Having Straight Teeth is Important

We all know that a bright, straight smile is a sign of beauty. But did you know that it can also mean you have good oral health? Brushing, flossing, and rinsing daily are an important step to maintaining a healthy-looking smile; however, when you have misaligned, crooked teeth, this can still lead to certain oral […]

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Options for Dental Braces

Your smile is one of the first things that people notice when meeting you, which is why I am dedicated to helping you achieve a brilliant smile. One of the most common complaints that my patients have is that their teeth are crooked even after having braces as a teenager. As time passes and the […]

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Top Five Actions that Will Speed Up Orthodontic Treatment

No matter how old you may be, wearing braces is mostly a nuisance. Some patients are lucky enough to only need them for a few months, while others suffer through pain for several years. Below are the Top Five tips on what to do in order to help speed up your orthodontic treatment. Maintain regular, […]

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Invisalign Orthodontist Beverly Hills

Get Straight Teeth with Invisalign It is very rare to have naturally straight teeth; therefore, many individuals require the use of braces in order to get a beautiful smile. But the thought of having to wear metal wires for an extended period sounds unappealing and uncomfortable to most people. As an experienced “Smile Sculptor” in […]

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