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Prevent Tooth Decay with the Right Foods

Posted in Oral Health

2 minute read

Eating right can help you stay healthy and trim; furthermore, the right foods can be of great benefit to prevent tooth decay and maintain a beautiful smile. We all know that staying away from sugary treats is the best thing we can do, but which foods can actually strengthen our teeth? Check out the following list of foods and their beneficial attributes:

  • Calcium – Milk, yogurt, and cheese are excellent sources of calcium, which can help prevent tooth decay in all individuals. Children can especially benefit from calcium intake as their teeth are still developing. Other sources of calcium include broccoli, bok choy, Brazil nuts, almonds, canned fish with bones, and dried beans.
  • Fruit, Fiber and Veggies – The high-fiber foods can keep saliva flowing. This can greatly help create mineral defenses against tooth decay. Dried fruits such as figs, dates, and raisins, as well as fresh fruits, including apples, bananas and oranges, are great sources of fiber. Peanuts, almonds, beans, Brussels sprouts, and bran are also high in fiber.
  • Whole Grains – To keeps gums healthy, B vitamins and iron in whole grains are the way to go. Additionally, they are chock full of fiber. Magnesium is also in whole grains, which is important for bones and teeth. Whole-grain pasta and cereals, brown rice, and bran are great sources of whole grains as well.

As much as we are told to watch what we eat and do our best to take care of our teeth, there are times that no matter what we do we may end up with some dental problems. However, should your teeth need to be removed due to decay and/or gum disease, you have options! Dental implants can help you restore a full set of teeth and provide you with a beautiful smile. A dental implant acts as an artificial tooth root that holds a replacement tooth (crown). Because it is integrated in the jawbone, these implants are durable and long-lasting. These are often used as a replacement for removable dentures as well.

If you are in the Beverly Hills or Los Angeles area and in need of dental implants, please feel free contact my practice. You may also learn more by visiting my website